XILO Forms integrate into every major comparative rater and agency management system in the market. We try our best to make sure everything collected on our forms integrates perfectly over into these systems but like any complex platform, it's not perfect. If the data is not perfectly ready to integrate into these systems, our push will get rejected. The good news is, for a lot of issues, it's actually simple to resolve.
In this article, I'm going to talk about the different types of integration issues and how you can resolve them. Always feel free to reach out to us to help you but this is a way for you to get the prospect to bridge over to your system without having to wait for our support team to get back to you.
Let's review the different types of integration issues and how to resolve them:
Bad data was entered in by the client or agent
Sometimes fingers slip, sometimes we forget to click a dropdown item, whatever the case, you will sometimes see integration errors like this. We've seen bad dates entered that are before the 1900s or set far in the future and we've seen customers start to type into dropdown, let's say they enter in the state Delaware and do not click on the DE option for License State. Either way, this will cause a failure. In the example above, you'll notice that the Effective Date entered was 09-13-0022. Either this customer is trying to back-date their insurance policy to cover the entirety of modern civilization or they meant to type in 2022. Here's how you would fix this type of issue:
When you load the Dashboard (either Table or Kanban), click the Prospect's name to enter into the Prospect View.
Once in the Prospect View, scroll down until you see the "Integration History" component.
Look for the specific system you were trying to integrate into for a "Success" or "Fail" badge. In this case it's QuoteRush as a Home push.
Click into the Vendor to see more details. This information is not easily readable but you in a lot of cases you can understand what the system is trying to tell you.
Here, it's tell us that the data entered in "dataIn" the form was 0022-09-13 (you can ignore everything after the T as this is just computer gunk).
The "message" tells us the actual error which is that the date must be larger or equal to 1900-01-01 or the beginning of the 1900s.
Now that we understand this is a data entry issue, we can scroll up to the Submission and click into it. We should now see the entire form that was filled out by the client or agent.
From here, click "Edit Submission" either on the button on the Left pane or in the top right of any section using the edit icon.
βFind the bad date and fix it by selecting the proper date.
Click "Save Submission" on the button on the left and click "Yes" to overwriting the submission.
Voila! You have now fixed the data, the last task to do is to re-push the integration.
βGo back to the Prospect's table or Kanban by clicking the Prospects tab in the left side menu.
Click the up arrow/export icon and wait for the Push Integration menu item to show it (it can take some time to load when first entering on to the table).
Select the integration you want to push, in this case QuoteRush Home and wait for the success alert to show in the top right.
From here, you can visit the Prospect in the other system using the View in Vendor menu item or by searching them in the system, depending on the system you're integrating into.
The client or agent did not fill in all the required fields (coming soon)
The agent's integration or your account's integration is not activated (coming soon)