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Using XILO with Facebook ads
Using XILO with Facebook ads

Learn more about using XILO forms to capture leads.

Written by Emma Salaya
Updated over 2 years ago

XILO forms can be used as the lead capture piece of your Facebook ads campaigns.

For those new to Facebook Ads:

  • Shorten the XILO Link

    • If you're adding the link directly in the ad, make sure to shorten the link that the potential leads see. You can use a link shortening platform like for this.

  • Add a clear, engaging image on the ad

    • The ad image is often what attracts prospects at first. Make sure the image is clear and engaging. You can add text, don't make it too small or too big, and no more than 5-6 words. The image should be clear and high quality.

  • Send to a landing page first

    • Prospects may be hesitant to fill out a XILO form when they first land on it. We suggest sending them to a nice landing page where they can click "Get A Quote" to get to the XILO form

  • Send to a mono-line form

    • Unless your campaign is specific to bundling, we suggest making your ads, landing page, and XILO form focused on one line of insurance. It would look something like this:
      Ad = "Save 10% on your auto insurance rates. Click here to see Jon did it" -> Landing Page = "Story about how Agent Tom helped Jon saved 10% by navigating the insurance carriers. Button is available to "Get An Auto Quote" -> XILO Form = Auto Insurance Form

  • Respond as quickly as possible

    • Its statistically proven that a faster response correlates to a higher success ratio. As soon as the lead comes through, you should have an agent working the lead. XILO sends an email to the insured upon submission which buys you some time to rate them!

  • Keep the message and content simple and consistent

    • The average person gives your ad and business less than 10% of their attention. Refrain from adding long, complicated, or verbose content. Also make sure your messaging is consistent. For example, if your add says "Cut 10% off your auto insurance biil", make that the headline on your landing page. Then make that the header of the first question on XILO. This consistent, simple messaging keeps the prospective customer moving through your funnel

  • Improve the funnel

    • Even if you had the most popular agency in your state, you could still see a lot of challenges trying to get a lead to get to the XILO Form, let alone fill it out. Focus on each step of the funnel and improve it over time. First make sure prospects are viewing the ad, then focus on them clicking it, then focus on them clicking the call to action on your landing page, and finally focus on them filling out the XILO Form.

For more advanced Facebook ads:

  • Lookalike audiences

    • XILO fires off events for every step of the form that prospects complete. Leverage these events along with the other events collected in your funnel to create Lookalike audiences. You can then use these audiences to advertise to those who are more likely to fill out a XILO Form (after working down the funnel)

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